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  01.01.2024 : 3621733 посещений

2.4 -> 2.6

William von Hagen , TimeSys Corp

Конфигурация ядра - переход от 2.4 к 2.6

Ядро - сердце операционной системы , оно управляет тредами, процессами , ресурсами . В отличие от других операционных систем , Линукс позволяет пользователям конфигурировать ядро , при этом можно менять его размер, включать-выключать поддержку различных устройств. Выключение лишних устройств особенно полезно при разработке embedded systems, ведь маленькое ядро требует меньше памяти.

Код устройства , автоматически подгружаемый в ядро, находится как правило в модуле. В этой статье обсуждается как написание новых модулей для 2.6, так и модификация уже существующих.

Конфигурация ядра выполняется с помощью различных конфиг-редакторов. Такой редактор позволяет вам получить информацию о какой-то переменной ядра, выключить-включить ее , вкомпилировать ее в ядро или в отдельный модуль..

Конфигурация ядра - это первый шаг при сборке ядра. Вам потребуется сконфигурировать и собрать модули , определенные в этой конфигурации. Для десктопа это не представляет особых проблем, но все усложняется для других устройств. Например , если вы собираете ядро для embedded systems, вы делаете это на своем десктопе , но при этом вы используете т.н. cross-compiler.

Cross-compilers генерит бинарник для таких систем для другого процессора-архитектуры.. Cross-compiler настраивается через различные переменные в Makefile, или можно использовать софт типа TimeSys TimeStorm.

Появились различные графические редакторы для конфигурации 2.6, которые могут отслеживать зависимости между переменными самого конфига. Рассмотрим 4 команды:

  • make config, командный интерфейс

  • make oldconfig, текстовой интерфейс для устаревшей конфигурации

  • make menuconfig, редактор с текстовым гуе-м

  • make xconfig, графический редактор

Графические редакторы Kernel Configuration

Графический конфигуратор можно запустить с помощью команды make xconfig. Последние версии используют Qt. Скриншот:

Figure 1: Sample make xconfig Screen for the 2.6 Kernel
(Click for larger view)

Слева - дерево доступных опций. Вверху справа - выбранное под-дерево. Снизу справа - хелп.

Следующий скриншот - результат команды make gconfig для GNOME desktop.

Figure 2: Sample make gconfig Screen

Особенности Kernel Configuration

Ядро 2.6 теперь конфигурируется прозрачнее , чем его предшественники , но в то же время самих опций конфигурации стало больше.

Например , клавиатура PS/2 теперь не конфигурится подобно остальным устройствам, поскольку 2.6 имеет новую модель устройств и рассматривает ее с точки зрения legacy bus interface. Эту опцию можно найти в Device Drivers > Input device support > Keyboards and Device Drivers > Input device support > Mice > PS/2 Mouse configuration screens.

Проверьте опцию поддержки Graphics support в секции Device Drivers , чтобы убедиться , что у вас включен системный , а не графический console display driver или framebuffer. Вы можете установить опцию module unloading , если вы хотите выгрузить модуль перед его загрузкой.

В графических конфигураторах make xconfig или make gconfig появились полезные установки:
  • В меню можно выбрать опцию Show all options , которая покажет все доступные опции.

  • Опция Show debug показывает, что произойдет при активации той или иной опции.

  • Опция меню Show Name показывает имя переменой , ассоциированной с именем опции ядра. Это может быть полезно при определении зависимостей.
Всегда можно выполнить команду make help , которая покажет все доступные опции.

Отпадает необходимость в команде make dep . Уже сама команда "make" без аргументов автоматом генерит dependency information, компилирует ядро и драйвера , выбранные при конфигурации. После конфигурации теперь можно ограничиться 3-мя командами : make , make install , make modules_install.

И если вы делаете апгрэйд своей системы с 2.4 -> 2.6 , кроме пересборки самого ядра , необходимо будет поменять другой софт , о чем говорится ниже.

Использование существующей Kernel Configurations

Команда make oldconfig генерит новую конфигурацию на основе существующего конфига. Если конфига вообще нет, его можно создать путем make defconfig.

Команда make oldconfig особенно полезна при апдэйте ядра . Команда make oldconfig будет предлагать вам в интерактивном режиме выбирать каждую опцию ядра.

При миграции с ядра 2.4 на 2.6 скопируйте файл с расширением named .config , расположенный в каталоге 2.4, в каталог 2.6,затем перейдите в каталог 2.6 и выполните make oldconfig. Например:
# cd /opt/timesys/linux/4.1/iq80315/src/2.4.21-timesys-4.1/kernel
# cp .config /opt/timesys/linux/5.0/iq80315/src/2.6-timesys-5.0/kernel
# cd /opt/timesys/linux/5.0/iq80315/src/2.6-timesys-5.0/kernel
# make oldconfig


Можно сказать , что управление сборкой ядра при переходе с 2.4 на 2.6 упрощается. Графические конфигураторы заметно облегчают эту задачу.

Обзор устройств и модулей

Device drivers - это интерфейс между железом и ядром. Это низкоуровневая прослойка , работающая с высокоуровневым API. Поддержка SCSI, USB, PCMCIA различна в зависимости от конкретного устройства. Добавление нового устройства в ядро сводится к написанию нового драйвера.

Устройства могут быть интегрированы в ядро 2 путями: компиляция в ядро и компиляция в подгружаемый модуль. При настройке конфигурации вы можете указать тип загрузки устройства.

Компиляция модуля в ядро несет в себе то преимущество,что драйвер всегда доступен, но при этом размер ядра увеличивается. Компиляция отдельного модуля увеличивает время его загрузки , но это ничто по сравнению с увеличением размера ядра и увеличения его потребляемой памяти. Компиляция отдельного модуля заметно ускоряет/облегчает процесс компиляции и отладки, вместо того чтобы компилировать все ядро.

Конфигурация ядра для поддержки загружаемых модулей сделана в секции Loadable module support. Опция автоматической загрузки - Automatic kernel module loading - позволяет ядру автоматом грузить модуль при необходимости. Опция выгрузки модуля - Module unloading - появилась в 2.6. Ядро может выгрузить само какой-то модуль,если в нем нет более необходимости. Опция форсированной выгрузки - Forced module unloading - позволяет форсированно выгружать модуль независимо от того, хочет этого ядро или нет.

Загружаемые модули традиционно находятся в каталоге /lib/modules - в нем находятся подкаталоги с соответсвующими версиями номера ядра.

В 2.6 появился новый фреймворк для устройств, в котором появилась модель т.н. custom device drivers, которые вы могли разрабатывать для более ранних версий. Эта модель поддерживает Plug and Play , power management . Произошло разделение между шинами и собственно устройствами. Появилась файловая система sysfs filesystem , в которой возможна древовидная иерархия для каждого устройства. В 2.6 появилась новая конвенция имен для загружаемых модулей , использование расширения .ko.

Изменения в базовой структуре Device Driver

Стандартный шаблон для устройства в 2.4 kernel следующий:
#define MODULE
#include < linux/module.h>
#include < linux/config.h>
#include < linux/init.h>

static int __init name_of_initialization_routine(void) {
* code here
static void __exit name_of_cleanup_routine(void) {
* code here
Основной проблемой в 2.4 было то , что имена всех функций инициализации и деактивации всех модулей устройств были как init_module() and cleanup_module() , что порождало проблемы. В 2.6 вы должны использовать макросы module_init() и module_exit() для регистрации имен этих функций.

Далее, в 2.6 отпала необходимость в макросе #define MODULE . Его функцию выполняет само ядро в момент компиляции.

В самой структуре устройства произошли базовые изменения. При загрузке старой структуры начинают сыпаться ошибки в system log (/var/log/messages). Вам нужно добавить определение макроса MODULE_LICENSE():


Этот макрос определяет модуль под лицензией GPL Version 2. Возможны другие лицензии: "GPL v2", "GPL and additional rights", "Dual BSD/GPL" , "Dual MPL/GPL","Proprietary".

Минимальный стандартный шаблон для 2.6 device driver :

 #include < img src="/files/misc/lt.gif">linux/module.h>
#include < img src="/files/misc/lt.gif">linux/config.h>
#include < img src="/files/misc/lt.gif">linux/init.h>
static int __init name_of_initialization_routine(void) {
/* code goes here */
return 0;
static void __exit name_of_cleanup_routine(void) {
/* code goes here */
Различия в версиях рассмотрены в следующей секции.

Изменения в сборке модулей

Базовое изменение в 2.6 в том , что теперь код загружаемого модуля компилится отдельно от ядра.

В 2.4 при компиляции модуля нужно было передать кучу параметров в командной строке или в Makefile , например:

gcc -D__KERNEL__ -DMODULE -I/usr/src/linux-2.4.21/include -O2 -c testmod.c

В 2.6 все по-другому. Теперь при сборке модуля ему не нужно указывать MODULE, __KERNEL__, KBUILD_BASENAME или KBUILD_MODNAME, -O2. Сам Makefiles стал проще, например для модуля testmod.ko:

obj-m := testmod.o

Нужно указывать путь к исходникам ядра . Команда :

# make -C /usr/src/linux-2.6.1 SUBDIRS=$PWD modules

Подразумевается,что исходники и Makefile лежат в текущем каталоге.

Протокол вывода:
make: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-2.6.1'
*** Warning: Overriding SUBDIRS on the command line can cause
*** inconsistencies
make[1]: `arch/i386/kernel/asm-offsets.s' is up to date.
Building modules, stage 2.
CC /home/wvh/timesys/2.6/testmod/testmod.mod.o
LD [M] /home/wvh/timesys/2.6/testmod/testmod.ko
make: Leaving directory `/usr/src/linux-2.6.1'
Генерится обьектный файл для модуля. Команда LD проверяет загрузку модуля под 2.6.

В результате будет сгенерирован обьектный файл testmod.ko ("kernel object").

Изменения в 2.6

В 2.6 произошло много внутренних изменений , которые отразились на драйверах : асинхронный механизм I/O , поддержка DMA, механизм выделения памяти и страниц, block device driver, новый дисковый интерфейс. Механизм выделения памяти и страниц стал использовать новый интерфейс - mempool. Изменился механизм подсчета Module reference counts. Очередь задач переехала в work queues. Старый макрос MODULE_PARM() был заменен на новый module_param() , это коснулось интерфейса использования модулей с параметрами.

Концепции preemptibility и SMP-awareness в 2.6 создали новые возможности для драйверо-писателей.

Апгрэйд драйверов

При переходе на 2.6 у драйвера может возникнуть необходимость в модификации. Речь идет о поддержке файловой системы devfs. Ее нужно включить в разделе настроек конфигурации File systems-> Pseudo filesystems . При использовании devfs , драйвер регистрирует устройство с помощью функций register_blkdev() или register_chrdev(),при этом нужно знать т.н. major и minor device numbers. Новый механизм udev фактически использует тот же каталог /dev при инициализации устройства.

При использовании devfs драйвера используют системный вызов devfs_register(). Драйвер может использовать major или minor номера, или же использовать вызов devfs_register() с нужным флагом DEVFS_FL_AUTO_DEVNUM.


For general information about writing device drivers, "Linux Device Drivers, 2nd Edition" by Alessandro Rubini and Jonathan Corbet (ISBN 0596000081) is an excellent book on developing, debugging, and using Linux device drivers. The version of this book associated with the 2.4 kernel is available online at the URL A new version of this book is in progress to discuss 2.6 issues. Until a new edition is available, Mr. Corbet has written an excellent series of articles on writing device drivers for the 2.6 kernel. These are available at the Linux Weekly News. Similarly, the documentation provided with TimeSys' Linux Development Suite (LDS) provides detailed examples of writing device drivers, focusing on high-performance drivers for embedded use.

Конвертация системы под 2.6 kernel

The white papers in this series highlight primary issues in migrating your existing drivers, development systems, applications, and custom Linux deployments to the 2.6 Linux kernel. The previous white paper in this series, "Migrating Device Drivers to 2.6", provided an overview of 2.6-related changes to device drivers, explained the new device driver compilation process, and discussed the implications of some of the new features of the 2.6 kernel to existing device drivers. This installment in the series provides an overview of converting an existing development system to use a 2.6 kernel.

Причина изменений при переходе под 2.6 kernel?

The kernel is the heart of the Linux operating system, managing all system threads, processes, resources, and resource allocation. Unlike most other operating systems, Linux enables users to reconfigure the kernel, which is usually done to reduce its size, activate or deactivate support for specific devices or subsystems. Reconfiguring the kernel to remove support for unused devices and subsystems is quite common when developing embedded systems, because a smaller kernel requires less memory, increasing the resources available to your applications.

Many of the new capabilities present in the Linux 2.6 kernel, especially at the device driver and system software levels, require parallel changes in the administrative utilities that interact with them. 2.6-based systems require new startup scripts that must understand new module naming conventions, use new configuration files, and use new 2.6 features such as the sysfs filesystem. The sysfs filesystem is a virtual filesystem that maintains a hierarchical view of all of the devices in use on your system, much as the proc filesystem provides for processes and status information. The sysfs filesystem is designed to be used internally by your Linux system, but the 2.6 kernel also provides integrated support for new types of filesystems for storing user data. New journaling filesystems such as JFS (introduced late in the 2.4 kernel series) and XFS, and new networked filesystems such as OpenAFS all require up-to-date, filesystem-specific utilities.

You only need to install the utilities associated with new 2.6 features that you are using. For example, if you are not using the JFS filesystem, you can reduce the size of your kernel by disabling JFS support. Similarly, you can reduce the size of the root filesystem used with your kernel by removing (or simply not installing) JFS-related utilities, because you will not need them.

If you are not using an off-the-shelf Linux distribution based on the 2.6 Linux kernel, you will need to verify that the versions of various packages installed on your Linux system have all of the features required for use with the Linux 2.6 kernel. If sufficiently recent versions of these packages are not installed on your system, you will have to update your system to newer versions of these packages.

Апгрэйд критических пакетов

A package is a set of related utilities that are provided and installed together, either by building them from source code or by installing binaries that someone else has prepared. Different Linux distributions provide package and dependency management software that verifies that any other software that a package depends on is installed on your system and is of a sufficiently recent version. These package managers also typically maintain a system-wide database of installed applications and their versions. The most common package formats that provide and use dependency information are the RPM (Red Hat Package Manager, also used by the Fedora, Mandrake, SuSE, and Turbolinux distributions) and DEB (Debian Linux, also used by the Knoppix and Xandros distributions) package formats. Other package formats, such as the standard gzipped tar file TGZ format used by the Slackware Linux distribution, do not include dependency information in the package itself.

Table 1 lists various Linux software packages that are present in most standard 2.4-based Linux systems, and certainly on all desktop Linux installations used for software development. Specialized distributions targeted for markets such as embedded computing may not require or use all of these packages in the root filesystems that they deploy. However, if you are upgrading a specialized system such as one used for embedded computing, it is critical to understand where these packages must be updated.

If you are upgrading a desktop Linux system to the 2.6 kernel, the only place to update and verify these packages is on your desktop system. However, if you are migrating a specialized system such as an embedded Linux distribution, you must first update any cross-compilers and related software that you are using on your desktop Linux systems to build software for the embedded system. You must then update any of the packages identified in this white paper that are used in your embedded system's filesystems. The next white paper in this series, "Migrating Custom Linux Installations to the 2.6 Kernel", provides an overview of upgrading these types of specialized systems.

Software PackageMinimum VersionCommand to Show Version
binutils2.12ld -v
gcc (GNU C Compiler)2.95.3gcc --version
make (GNU make)3.78make --version
module-init-tools0.9.10depmod -V
procps3.1.13ps --version
util-linux2.10ofdformat --version
Table 1: Standard Software Package Versions Required for a 2.6 Kernel

When preparing to use a 2.6 kernel with an existing system, you must verify the versions of any of the packages listed in Table 1 that are installed on the system that you are migrating, and update them to appropriate versions if necessary. The first column in this table gives the name of a software package that may require updating for use with the 2.6 kernel. The second column identifies the minimum version required for compatibility with the 2.6 kernel - any version newer than the specified minimum version should also be fine. The third column provides a sample command that you can execute in order to determine the version of the software that is currently installed on your system.
In addition to the packages listed in Table 1, you might also need to update additional packages if you plan to use specific filesystems, hardware, or administrative mechanisms on your 2.6-based system. These additional package updates are discussed later in this white paper.

Апгрэйд module-init-tools

Of the packages listed in Table 1, the module-init-tools package requires some special care during an upgrade if you want to be able to dual-boot your system with either a 2.6 or a 2.4-based kernel. The module-init-tools package provides the system applications for module loading (insmod and modprobe), unloading (rmmod), listing (lsmod), and dependency analysis (depmod). Due to changes in module naming and loading mechanisms, you can't simply overwrite the existing versions of these utilities. If you do so, you will not be able to manage 2.4-style kernel modules correctly. Therefore, part of the process of upgrading the module-init-tools package is to rename the existing 2.4 versions of these utilities as utility.old, which preserves the versions necessary for 2.4 kernels. If the module-init-tools package has been compiled with support for backward compatibility (which is the default), the utilities in the package will automatically execute the 2.4 versions of these utilities whenever you boot a 2.4 kernel.

If you are updating your module-init-tools binaries using a prebuilt package file such as a DEB or RPM package and need to be able to dual-boot your system using a 2.4 or 2.6 kernel, you should check that the package file includes a pre-install script that renames your existing module-related binaries before installing the new version. A simpler approach is to build the module-init-tools package for your system from source code. One of the make targets when building this package from source is moveold, which copies your existing module-related binaries so that they are not lost when the new versions are installed. A suggested sequence for configuring, building, and installing module-init-tools from scratch is the following:
./configure --prefix=/
make moveold
make install
The first command configures the module-init-tools package so that it installs in the same location as the original module-init-tools package (as opposed to subdirectories of /usr/local). The second command renames the existing binaries from a previous installation of the module-init-tools package, as explained in the previous paragraph. The third command builds the applications in the module-init-tools package, and the fourth line installs them.

Of course, building and installing this package from source will not update any database of installed applications that is maintained by your package manager, but it is safest unless you are a true package wizard and know how to extract and examine pre-install scripts from existing packages.

A final step when installing the new version of the module-init-tools package is to run a shell script that converts the entries in the module configuration file used by 2.4-series kernels (/etc/modules.conf) to equivalent entries in the module configuration file used by the 2.6 kernel (/etc/modprobe.conf). This script is the aptly-named generate-modprobe.conf script, and takes a single argument, which is the full pathname of your existing modules.conf file. After running this script, you may also need to examine the new file and update it to reflect changes in device naming between the 2.4 and 2.6 kernels.

Дополнительный апгрэйд пакетов

Table 1 listed packages that are used on most Linux systems and which must be a specified version or newer on a system that is running the 2.6 kernel. You might need to update additional packages if you happen to be using the features that these packages support on your systems. Table 2 shows packages that you will need to verify or update if you are using associated features, but which are not used by default on all Linux distributions. These packages are specific to optional subsystems or drivers such as ISDN (isdn4k), PCMCIA cards (pcmcia-cs), kernel profiling analysis (oprofile), filesystem quotas (quota-tools), and specific types of networking or journaled filesystems (nfs-utils, jfsutils, reiserfsprogs, and xfsprogs).

Software PackageMinimum VersionCommand to Show Version
isdn4k-utils3.1pre1isdnctrl 2>&1|grep version
jfsutils1.1.3fsck.jfs -V
nfs-utils1.0.5showmount --version
oprofile0.5.3oprofiled --version
pcmcia-cs3.1.21cardmgr -V
ppp2.4.0pppd --version
quota-tools3.09quota -V
reiserfsprogs3.6.3reiserfsck -V 2>&1|grep progs
xfsprogs2.6.0xfs_db -V
Table 2: Additional Software Package Versions Required by a 2.6 Kernel

As mentioned earlier, you only need to upgrade or install the specified packages and versions if you are using the software functionality that they are relevant to. We suggest that you install or upgrade packages that you are likely to use at some point, such as the nfs-utils package. You must simply remember that you will need to install or upgrade the other packages listed in this section if you activate related kernel features.

Изменения в ALSA

If you use any of the audio capabilities of your system beyond its built-in speaker and associated beep, one of the key changes present in the 2.6 Linux kernel is its adoption of the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture (ALSA). ALSA is now the default digital audio architecture for playing and managing audio recording and playback. ALSA has been available for quite a while, and replaces the Open Sound System (OSS), the default in stable kernels prior to 2.6. Even in the 2.6 kernel, ALSA provides an OSS emulation mode to support legacy applications, but switching your system to use ALSA is certainly the right long-term solution.

Discussing all of the nuances of converting your system to use ALSA is outside the scope of this white paper and would largely duplicate the excellent documentation available on the ALSA Project web site. TimeSys has found that it is generally wise to convert your existing 2.4-based system to ALSA before upgrading your system to the 2.6 kernel. This eliminates several variables in your 2.6 Linux upgrade, because it ensures that ALSA works on your hardware. Any problems with sound that you encounter during the upgrade are therefore related to the upgrade rather than to ALSA itself. Upgrading a 2.4 system to ALSA before upgrading to the 2.6 kernel also ensures that the ALSA module configuration commands are present and correct in your /etc/modules.conf file before you generate the 2.6 equivalent /etc/modprobe.conf file (as described earlier in this white paper).

The highlights of the ALSA upgrade process are the following:
  1. Get the latest versions of the ALSA drivers, library, and utilities in source format or as pre-prepared packages that you can install on your system. ALSA drivers are also included in the 2.6 kernel source, but we suggest getting the drivers package so that you can upgrade your 2.4 system to ALSA first, as suggested previously. If you want to use ALSA's OSS emulation mode, you will also need to get its source code and build and install this package as well.
  2. Configure, compile, and build these packages (if necessary) or install the binaries on your system.
  3. Configure the ALSA software using the alsaconf application, which probes for your sound hardware, generates the correct module loading information, and optionally updates your /etc/modules.conf file.
  4. Enable ALSA using the alsamixer application, which un-mutes your ALSA configuration. (ALSA is always initially muted.)
  5. Link the /etc/rc.d/init.d/alsasound startup file into the sequence of command files executed when your system starts up.
  6. Execute the generate-modprobe.conf script to migrate your ALSA module configuration to the /etc/modprobe.conf file used with the module utilities required for a 2.6 kernel.
ALSA has many advantages over OSS, ranging from support for more audio interfaces and soundcards, modularized drivers that are SMP and thread-safe, and a good separation between kernel and user space that simplifies writing and maintaining drivers and audio applications. For more complete information, see the ALSA project's Web site.

Изменения в конфигах системы

In addition to updating packages or verifying that you have sufficiently recent versions installed, you will usually need to manually update some of your system startup and configuration scripts in order to mount and use the new filesystems and to take into account the kernel module naming scheme used by the 2.6 kernel. This section provides an overview of the primary system configuration files that you must update; the next section provides an overview of upgrading system startup scripts.

The new sysfs filesystem is designed as an in-memory repository for system and device status information, providing a hierarchical view of the system's device tree. The system information that is dynamically maintained in the sysfs filesystem is analogous to the process status information that is dynamically maintained in the proc filesystem.

When upgrading to use the 2.6 kernel, you must therefore add a line for the sysfs filesystem to your system's filesystem table file, /etc/fstab. This entry should look something like the following:
  none   /sys    sysfs    noauto        0 0
This entry gives your system the information that it needs to identify and mount the sysfs filesystem on the /sys directory (which you must create using a command such as mkdir /sys). If your system will only boot the 2.6 kernel, you can specify the defaults mount option rather than noauto, so that your system will mount the sysfs filesystem whenever your system executes the mount -a command, which is usually run during system startup.

If you want your system to boot either a 2.4 or 2.6 kernel, the noauto mount option in the example entry prevents your system from trying to automatically mount the sysfs filesystem when booting a 2.4 kernel. You would then add an explicit mount for this filesystem to your system's startup scripts, as discussed in the next section.

For detailed information about the organization of the /etc/fstab file and the meaning of each of the fields in an entry, consult the online reference information for this file by executing the man fstab command on your Linux system.

Изменения в загрузочных скриптах

As mentioned earlier, 2.6-related changes such as different file names, module names, and new features, make it necessary to update your system's startup scripts when adding a 2.6 kernel as a boot option on an existing 2.4-based system. This section provides an overview of the sorts of changes necessary on standard desktop systems such as Red Hat Linux systems.
The files that you need to change depend on your system's boot sequence and the startup and shutdown scripts that it executes. The specific files used during the boot process differ across Linux distributions, though most are based on the SysVinit and initscripts packages. Enhanced versions of these packages that handle both 2.4 and 2.6 startup procedures may be available from the vendor (if any) who supports your Linux distribution. If they are not available, this section and the subsequent white paper in this series ("Migrating Custom Linux Installations to 2.6") will help you identify the changes that you need to make.

If you are creating a system that can boot and run both 2.4 and 2.6-based kernels, and your Linux vendor does not provide updated and flexible startup and shutdown scripts, conditionalizing your startup scripts based on the version of the kernel that is booting is an excellent solution. The easiest way to do this is to set an environment variable based on the identity of the running kernel, as in the following example:
VERSION=`uname -a | sed -e 's;.* \(2\.6\).*;\1;'`
if [ "x$VERSION" = "x" ] ; then
This sets the environment variable VERSION to 2.6 for a 2.6 kernel and to 2.4 otherwise. You can then subsequently check the value of this variable and execute the commands appropriate for your kernel version, as in the following example:
if [ "x$VERSION" = "x2.6" ] ; then
action $"Mounting sysfs filesystem: " mount -n -t sysfs /sys /sys
One of the first changes that you should make to your startup scripts when using a 2.6 kernel is to add commands that mount the sysfs filesystem (as shown in the previous example). One of your system's startup scripts, probably /etc/rc.sysint or /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit, contains an entry that mounts the proc filesystem on the directory /proc when your system boots. You will need to add a parallel entry for mounting the sysfs filesystem on the mount point /sys (which you may also need to create using the mkdir /sys command) at a similar location in the file to where the /proc filesystem is mounted.

Similarly, the name of the file in the proc filesystem that contains kernel symbol information has changed in the 2.6 kernel. To guarantee that your startup scripts have access to kernel symbols, you should change or conditionalize any instances of /proc/ksyms in your system startup files to /proc/kallsyms, the name of the file used by the Linux 2.6 kernel.

Next, some files that were located in the proc filesystem for the 2.4 kernel have migrated to the sysfs filesystem for the 2.6 kernel. As an example, the USB device list that was stored in the file /proc/bus/usb/devices when using a 2.4 kernel is now stored in the file /sys/bus/usb/devices under the 2.6 kernel.

Finally, you should also make equivalent changes to any scripts invoked during your system's shutdown procedure. For example, on Red Hat systems, the shutdown process invokes the script /etc/init.d/halt during system shutdown, which references the proc filesystem but not the equivalent sysfs filesystem.

The items listed in this section are the primary system startup and shutdown changes that most people will need to make to use a 2.6 kernel with a 2.4 Linux root filesystem. Depending on the extent to which you have customized your system's startup process and installed additional utilities or drivers, you might find that other changes are required. A sample rc.sysinit file that has been conditionalized to work with both the 2.4 and 2.6 kernels is available online in the TimeSys Resource Center. The sample file was created for use on a system running Red Hat 9, but shows the types of changes that you will need to make regardless of which Linux distribution you are running.

Пересборка ядра

The first white paper in this series, "Customizing a 2.6-Based Kernel", provided an overview of configuring the 2.6 Linux kernel. If you are installing the 2.6 Linux kernel on an existing system and are building the kernel yourself, the easiest way to correctly configure your 2.6 kernel is to reuse the kernel configuration file from your current system. You can do this through the kernel's make oldconfig make target, which is a text-mode interface that takes an existing configuration file and queries you for settings for any configuration variables found in the kernel source but not in that configuration file. Using this make target to migrate an existing configuration file was explained in the first white paper in this series. Using the make oldconfig kernel configuration target gets you most of the way towards building a 2.6 kernel that will boot successfully on your system, but note that simply running make oldconfig may not create a kernel configuration that has all of the features that you want.

A good suggestion for smoothly migrating an existing system to the 2.6 kernel is to change as few things as possible at the same time. The packages, system configuration files, and startup scripts discussed earlier in this white paper are necessary changes for using a 2.6 kernel. However, if you are also adding ALSA support and followed our suggestion to upgrade your 2.4 system to ALSA before moving to 2.6, keep ALSA support as a loadable kernel module until you're sure that your 2.6 system is working correctly. At that point, you can always rebuild your 2.6 kernel with integrated ALSA support - but at least you know that ALSA worked correctly with your 2.6 system. Similarly, if you're interested in experimenting with devfs, don't switch to devfs during your initial migration to 2.6. You can always add it in later by rebuilding your kernel, once you have a 2.6 kernel working correctly on your system.

Migrating an off-the-shelf system to the 2.6 kernel

If you're migrating a system running an off-the-shelf distribution to the 2.6 kernel, you might never have had to worry about the exact hardware details of your system. One of the advantages of off-the-shelf desktop distributions such as Red Hat or SuSE or an off-the-shelf embedded distribution such as TimeSys Linux is that they are built with integrated or loadable kernel module support for almost anything that you would encounter on a random PC or on a specific embedded board.

If you are migrating an off-the-shelf system and have the source code and configuration file for the kernel that you are running, you can migrate this configuration file to the 2.6 kernel by following the instructions given in the previous section and activating support for any new features that you are interested in, such as ALSA. You should then be able to build and install your 2.6 kernel, any associated modules, and reboot to test your system with the 2.6 kernel. If this is the case, skip to the next section of this white paper.

If you do not have a configuration file for the kernel that your system is running, you can generate a default configuration file by executing the make defconfig command in the 2.6 kernel source directory. The list of available kernel configuration variables differs for each architecture and often across different types of processors. If you are migrating a PowerPC (PPC) Linux system to the 2.6 kernel, you may want to start with kernel source code such as TimeSys Linux 2.6 Reference PPC Distribution which includes verified support for selected PPC processors. TimeSys' enhancements to the 2.6 kernel for the PPC processor are actively being submitted to the Open Source community and should be available in the main kernel source tree soon. Alternately, you can see the configuration options available for different architectures in any kernel source tree by specifying your target on the command line for your configuration command, as in the following example for a PowerPC (PPC) system:
make defconfig ARCH=ppc
Once you have generated a default 2.6 kernel configuration file, you must then configure the kernel to provide drivers for the hardware in your system, either built-in or as loadable kernel modules.

Discussing all of the details of hardware identification on any platform is outside the scope of this white paper, but two of the most useful utilities for identifying your hardware are the lspci and lsusb utilities found in most Linux distributions. The lspci utility displays information about all of the PCI buses detected on your system, listing the devices that are connected to them. This utility is especially useful for x86 motherboards with integrated sound or graphics adapters, because it helps identify the actual chipsets used in the onboard PCI circuitry. The lsusb utility provides the same sort of information for the USB buses and attached devices in your systems.

If you are creating your own kernel configuration file, some other hardware information that you might want to supply is information about the specific type of CPU used in your system. You can configure this information using the make xconfig configuration editor's Processor or Processor type and features pane. Information about the type of processor in your system is available in the file /proc/cpuinfo, which you can simply display by executing the cat /proc/cpuinfo command.

Finally, you might still need to make changes to your new kernel configuration file based on custom kernel features that your existing system is using. For example, you should check the filesystems that are used or supported by the kernel that you are currently using. Information about the types of filesystems available on your system is available in the file /proc/filesystems, which you can simply display by executing the cat /proc/filesystems command. For example, the root filesystems used by SuSE Linux systems are typically reiserfs filesystems, but the reiserfs filesystem is not active in the 2.6 kernel by default. Similarly, using an initial RAM disk is not active by default in the 2.6 kernel, and neither is support for accessing SMB or CIFS filesystems.


Once you've migrated or created your kernel configuration file and configured it as described in the previous section and in the first white paper in this series, you're ready to build and install the kernel and any modules that you have specified. Building the kernel is is done by executing the make command from the top-level kernel source directory, and requires the versions of the gcc, make, and binutils packages that were discussed earlier in this white paper. Once the make command completes successfully, how you install the kernel and modules depends on the type of system for which you are building the kernel. If you are updating a desktop x86 system, you can install the kernel and associated modules using the make install and make modules_install commands. If you are cross-compiling a 2.6 kernel for a target embedded system, the make targets that you will want to use for installation depend on where and how your kernel binaries are installed for use by the target system.

As described in this white paper, migrating a desktop system to the 2.6 kernel has a fair number of steps, but is actually quite easy to do even if you are relatively new to Linux. Migrating specialized Linux systems, such as those used in embedded computing, is somewhat more complex, but is also manageable. TimeSys's TimeStorm Linux Development Suite (LDS) makes it easier to migrate specialized systems to new kernels and new hardware. TimeSys's TimeStorm Linux Verification Suite (LVS) makes it easy to verify that your updated system and applications are working correctly and will satisfy your requirements. The next white paper in this series, "Migrating Custom Linux Installations to the 2.6 Kernel", provides an overview of upgrading these types of specialized systems and provides insights into how powerful but easy-to-use software can simplify and expedite the migration and update process.

Миграция на 2.6

is commonly used for a wide range of technical and commercial reasons today. Linux runs on a tremendous range of supported architectures, processors, buses, and devices, and combines the power of inherent multi-tasking with the attractive notion of an open, royalty-free operating system. At the high and medium ends, Linux systems support enterprise infrastructure such as file, mail, and web servers, and business-unit infrastructure such as firewalls, VPN servers, routers, and gateways. In its smallest incarnations, Linux is commonly used in embedded systems such as process control systems, PDAs, home gateways, and set-top boxes.

Linux systems used for enterprise and business-unit infrastructure are often very similar to desktop Linux systems from a startup and system administration point of view. They typically also use the same startup mechanism to determine the processes that should be started at boot time, as described in the next section. The previous whitepaper in this series, "Using the 2.6 Kernel with Your Current System", provided an overview of the types of changes you might need to make to the command files (scripts) that are executed when booting 2.6-based systems of these types.

Embedded systems must typically boot quickly, start a limited number of processes, and operate under resource constraints not found on larger Linux systems. The hardware used for storage in embedded systems, such as flash, compact flash, and Disk-on-Chip hardware, limits the amount of available storage for the system, your applications, and your data. These types of storage introduce specialized types of filesystem and hardware issues, such as wear-leveling, that are not relevant to larger systems. For example, wear-leveling is only implemented in filesystems targeted for devices that can only be written to a certain number of times, because its goal is to guarantee that all of the target storage is written to an approximately equal number of times.

Embedded System Components and Terminology

All Linux distributions consist of the same core building blocks: a kernel and a root filesystem. The latter contains software and libraries used by the system itself, any infrastructure required to support users on the system, and the applications that users execute to do their work. In standard development systems, many of the applications in the root filesystem are the compilers and related software used for application development (known as toolchains).

Linux distributions targeted for embedded use typically include these same core building blocks, but with some twists. For example, because embedded development is typically done on a desktop system but is targeted for a specific embedded development board, embedded Linux distributions such as TimeSys Linux provide a kernel for the embedded board, a root filesystem for the embedded board, and multiple toolchains. One set of toolchains is included in the filesystem for the embedded board itself, while another is installed in your desktop system's filesystem. The latter is known as a cross-compiler, and produces binaries on your desktop system that will execute on your embedded board. TimeSys Linux also includes a third toolchain that you can execute on a Windows system to produce binaries that will run on your embedded board.

"Host" and "target" systems are a key concept for most embedded development. Cross-compilers are typically used for embedded development because embedded boards often do not have the resources required to compile and optimize the applications that will run on them. Similarly, they may not have the storage required for a full development and debugging environment. A common solution for storage limitations is for the embedded board to use a mechanism such as NFS (the Network File System) to access a filesystem that is actually stored on your desktop development system. Because a desktop development system provides both the cross-compiler and the storage used by the embedded board during development, it is usually referred to as the "host" machine. Because the embedded development board is where applications will eventually be stored and execute, the embedded development board is usually referred to as the "target" machine.

As a final wrinkle, host systems are used to build the filesystem that will eventually be deployed on an embedded system. For most embedded systems, these are typically compressed, in-memory filesystems known as initial RAM disks, or other compressed filesystem images that are stored in flash or compact flash and are either loaded into memory or used directly.

The multiple toolchains and filesystem components associated with embedded Linux distributions increases the complexity of migrating an embedded Linux system to the 2.6 kernel. For example, in order to compile the 2.6 kernel for your embedded board, you might have to first update any cross-compiler that you are using. However, before you can do that, you might first have to update the compiler that you are using on your desktop system to build the cross-compiler that you will be using. The next section highlights the key components of an embedded system that you must consider upgrading when moving to the 2.6 kernel, and the sequence in which you should upgrade them, if necessary.

Updating an Embedded System

If you install an off-the-shelf, 2.6-based distribution such as a TimeSys Linux 2.6 reference distribution, it provides a set of core Linux components that have already been certified to work together. However, even in this case, any changes that you have made to your existing installation or deployment can not be migrated to the new SDK automatically. Possible migration issues when moving to a 2.6-based distribution from any existing Linux deployment are the following:
  1. Perform any mandatory package updates to the compilers and build environment on any desktop system that you use in conjunction with your embedded system. (Explained in the third whitepaper in this series, "Using the 2.6 Kernel with Your Current System".)

  2. Perform any mandatory package updates to any cross-compilers that you are using to build applications for the target system. (Described in third whitepaper in this series, "Using the 2.6 Kernel with Your Current System".)

  3. Migrate any customized kernel configuration to the 2.6 kernel provided with your 2.6-based distribution. (See the first whitepaper in this series, "Customizing a 2.6-Based Kernel".)

  4. Convert any device drivers that you have written to the new device driver model used by the 2.6 kernel (Explained in the second whitepaper in this series, "Migrating Device Drivers to 2.6".)

  5. Perform any mandatory package updates to the applications and utilities used in your existing root filesystem or initial RAM disk.

  6. Migrate any administrative or configuration changes that you have made from your existing root filesystem to the new root filesystem provided with your 2.6-based Linux distribution

  7. Convert your custom applications from your existing root filesystem to the new root filesystem that you will use with your 2.6-based distribution.
The next few sections focus on points 5 and 6. The final whitepaper in this series, "Migrating Applications to the 2.6 Kernel and NPTL" (Native POSIX Threading Library), provides an overview of the most common issues that you might encounter in step 7, as you migrate your existing applications. All of the white papers in this series can be found in the TimeSys online Linux resource center.

Initial RAM Disks and Root Filesystems

A filesystem is a section of some storage medium from which your system can read (and usually write) data. Linux uses filesystems for a variety of purposes, ranging from storing system and user files and directories to serving as swap space that can be used to support virtual memory. The primary filesystem on any Linux system is known as the root filesystem, and is always made available to users ("mounted") through the / directory.

The first step in the Linux boot process is to load the kernel into memory. When many Linux systems boot, the kernel uses an in-memory filesystem, known as an initial RAM disk, that is uncompressed, loaded into memory, and used as a temporary root filesystem during the boot process. Using an initial RAM disk enables you to execute commands and pre-load modules that you might need during the remainder of the boot process or before your system's hardware is available to users. On desktop systems, the initial RAM disk is almost always a transient part of the boot process. On embedded Linux systems with sufficient memory, the initial RAM disk might be the actual root filesystem used when Linux is running.

Tools such as TimeSys' Target Configurator, a component of the TimeStorm Linux Development Suite, make it easy to create an initial RAM disk that contains the system software that you need at boot time or run time. The Target Configurator also simplifies adding your applications to an initial RAM disk if that is going to serve as your root filesystem, or to filesystems such as JFFS2 or EXT3 used on different types of storage devices. The remainder of this section focuses on migrating initial RAM disks to systems using the 2.6 kernel.

The TimeSys Linux 2.6 Reference Distributions include pre-assembled initial RAM disks for all supported platforms and architectures. Most Linux distributions provide scripts (such as the mkinitrd script used with Red Hat Linux) that enable you to build your own initial RAM disk. However, if you are migrating to a 2.6-based kernel and want to continue using an initial RAM disk that you have already assembled, you should examine the contents of the RAM disk to ensure that it is compatible with your new kernel.

Examining an existing initial RAM disk is done by mounting it as a loopback device on your Linux system. A loopback device is a virtual device that your Linux system can access in the same way as any physical device. In order to mount an initial RAM disk (or to have created an initial RAM disk in the first place), your current kernel must have been compiled with support for loopback devices. For the 2.6 Linux kernel, support for loopback devices is enabled through the Device Drivers > Block Devices > Loopback device support option in the kernel configuration editor. For the 2.4 kernel, this option is located in Block Devices > Loopback device support.

On desktop Linux systems that use the GRUB (Grand Unified Boot Loader) boot loader, the system's initial RAM disk is usually stored as a separate file external to the kernel. This file is typically located in the /boot directory and is identified in the GRUB configuration file (/etc/grub.conf). On most embedded systems, the initial RAM disk is created as a file external to the kernel, but is bundled with the kernel as a final step in the kernel build process. The following figure shows an initial RAM disk being created in TimeSys's Target Configurator, which simplifies building and maintaining root filesystems of various types.

(Click to enlarge)

Desktop Linux systems typically use the EXT2 filesystem in their initial RAM disks, but many embedded Linux systems use smaller, more simple types of filesystems such as CRAMFS, ROMFS, or even the Minix filesystem. Regardless of the type of filesystem contained in an initial RAM disk, an initial RAM disk is typically compressed using gzip to save even more space. The Linux initial RAM disk loader recognizes compressed files and automatically uncompresses them before mounting them.

If you have an existing initial RAM disk that you want to migrate to the 2.6 kernel, you will need to uncompress it, mount it, and examine it. Initial RAM disks are always compressed, even if the filename does not have the traditional ".gz" extension, so you may need to rename the file in order to uncompress it successfully. Typical commands to uncompress and mount an initial RAM disk are the following:
# gunzip initrd.img.gz
# mount -t ext2 -o loop initrd.img /mnt/initrd
To mount any filesystem, the directory that you are using as a mountpoint (/mnt/initrd in this example) must already exist. The mount command's -t option specifies the filesystem type, and is actually optional unless your initial RAM disk is not in EXT2 format. Once an initial RAM disk is mounted, it appears in a disk listing (done using the "df" command) just like any other disk:
Filesystem          1K-blocks  Used Available Use% Mounted on
/tmp/initrd.img 2948 510 2288 19% /mnt/initrd
Once mounted, an initial RAM disk can be explored like any other filesystem, as in the following example:
# cd /mnt/initrd
# ls -al
total 13
drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 1024 Feb 16 13:31 .
drwxr-xr-x 16 root root 4096 Mar 3 08:58 ..
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 1024 Feb 16 13:31 bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 1024 Feb 16 13:31 dev
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 1024 Feb 16 13:31 etc
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 1024 Feb 16 13:31 lib
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 340 Feb 16 13:31 linuxrc
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 1024 Feb 16 13:31 loopfs
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 1024 Feb 16 13:31 proc
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 3 Feb 16 13:31 sbin -> bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 1024 Feb 16 13:31 sysroot
The next section of this whitepaper discusses the sequence of events that occur and the commands that are executed when a Linux system boots. When migrating a custom Linux deployment to the 2.6 kernel, it is important to understand which command files specify the commands that are executed when your system boots, to ensure that they are compatible with the 2.6 kernel. The next few sections of this whitepaper discuss the Linux boot sequence and the command files and process that it executes in various scenarios.

The Linux Boot Sequence

After loading the kernel, traditional Unix and Linux systems execute a system application known as the init (initialization) process, which is typically found in /sbin/init on Linux systems. Typically, the init process is process number 1 on the system, as shown in a process status listing produced using the ps command, and is therefore the ancestor of all other processes on your system. The init process reads the file /etc/inittab to identify the way in which the system should boot and lists all other processes and programs that it should start. The init process and the /etc/inittab file are discussed in detail later in this whitepaper.
If your system uses an initial RAM disk, the boot sequence is slightly different, as explained in the next section.

The Linux Boot Sequence for Initial RAM Disks

If your system uses an initial RAM disk, the boot sequence includes one extra step. Instead of initially executing the init process, the system uncompresses and mounts the initial RAM disk, and then executes the file /linuxrc. This file must therefore be executable, but can be a command file that lists other commands to execute, can be a multi-call binary such as BusyBox, or can simply be a symbolic link to a multi-call binary or to the /sbin/init process itself.

Executing the file /linuxrc is done as a step in the initial RAM disk's mount process, as specified in the kernel source file init/do_mounts_initrd.c. A sample /linuxrc file, where the /linuxrc file in your initial RAM disk is actually a command script (taken from a Red Hat 9 system that does not use the devfs filesystem or udev) is the following:
echo Mounting /proc filesystem
mount -t proc /proc /proc
echo Creating block devices
mkdevices /dev
echo Creating root device
mkrootdev /dev/root
echo 0x0100 > /proc/sys/kernel/real-root-dev
echo Mounting root filesystem
mount -o defaults --ro -t ext3 /dev/root /sysroot
pivot_root /sysroot /sysroot/initrd
umount /initrd/proc
As you can see from this example, the default /linuxrc file on a Red Hat system that uses an initial RAM disk executes a number of commands that help initialize the system.

If you are migrating a Linux system that provides local storage and therefore is not limited to the initial RAM disk, the last commands in this command file mount the root filesystem on your storage device and use the pivot_root command to change the system's idea of the / directory. The pivot_root command, included in the linux-utils package, is used to change the system's root directory from the initial RAM disk to the device that actually provides your long-term storage. If you are using GRUB, this device is identified via one of your boot arguments, the root=value parameter.

When upgrading a custom Linux system that uses an inital RAM disk to the 2.6 kernel, you will need to do several things:
mount and examine the initial RAM disk to verify how it uses the /linuxrc file.

if the /linuxrc file is a command script, you will need to check the commands that it executes in order to ensure that they are compliant with your 2.6 kernel. If it specifically references commands such as modprobe or insmod, you will have to make sure that you have installed 2.6-compatible versions of these utilities in your initial RAM disk and any other filesystems that you use. Your initial RAM disk must also contain kernel modules that have been built for the 2.6 kernel, and therefore follow the naming convention required by the 2.6 kernel - using the ".ko" extension rather than the classic ".o" extension.

if the /linuxrc file is a symbolic or hard link to the /sbin/init program, you will need to make sure that the command file used by the init program is not 2.4-specific. If it specifically references commands such as modprobe or insmod, you will have to make sure that you have installed 2.6-compatible versions of these utilities in your initial RAM disk and any other filesystems that you use. Your initial RAM disk must also contain kernel modules that have been built for the 2.6 kernel, and therefore follow the naming convention required by the 2.6 kernel - using the ".ko" extension rather than the classic ".o" extension. The files and execution sequence used by the init process are discussed in the next section of this white paper.
Assuming that your system executes the /linuxrc file correctly, the system typically either changes the root of your filesystem to a new / directory, or manually executes the /sbin/init process. The Linux kernel performs a sequential search for the init process (as specified in the kernel source file init/main.c). Some older kernels required that you specify the name of the file that you executed as part of the boot process, using the initrd=value parameter in the boot loader. This is not necessarily a bad idea, but is extraneous if you are using an initial RAM disk and use the exec command in your /linuxrc file to automatically start the init process.

The next section of this white paper discusses the standard Linux init process and identifies the files and system applications that it automatically executes.

The Standard Linux Init Sequence

On desktop and larger systems, most Linux systems use a package of applications known as the SysVInit package, and a package of related scripts known as the initscripts package, to identify the processes that are started when a system boots and the order in which they are started.

Most desktop and larger Linux systems use the concept of "run levels" to identify the applications that the system executes and the order in which they are executed. Different "run levels" are simply a way of defining a set of applications that the system administrator believes should be run when the system is being used in a certain way. for example, run level 1 is usually known as single-user mode, and is used for system maintenance. Only the core set of applications required for a system administrator to contact the system and perform maintenance tasks are running when the system is in run level 1.

Systems that use both the SysVInit and initscripts packages boot in the following sequence: once the kernel is loaded and begins executing, it invokes a process known as the init (initialization) process, which reads the file /etc/inittab to identify the basic processes and programs that it should start.

In the /etc/inittab file, the default run level is identified with a line containing the string "initdefault", as in the following example:
In this case, the default run level is 2. An additional entry in the /etc/inittab file identifies a command script that is run to initialize the system itself, as in the following example:
After the system initialization script is run, Linux distributions that use the SysVInit and initscripts packages then define what occurs when the system enters a specific run level. For example, a few lines later in the /etc/inittab file, you might see additional information about run level 2 in an entry like the following:
l2:2:wait:/etc/init.d/rc 2
This line specifies that when the system enters run level 2, the /etc/init.d/rc command will be executed with an argument of "2". This causes the "rc" (run command) command to execute all of the appropriate files located in the directory /etc/rc2.d. The files in this directory have names of the form SNNname or KNNname, and are usually executable shell scripts (or are links to a common set of scripts) that contain lists of other system commands to execute. Files beginning with the letter 'S' are executed when the system starts a specified run level. Entries beginning with the letter 'K' are executed when the system leaves a specified run level. Commands are executed in the numerical order specified by the number NN. The "name" portion of an entry is user-defined, but should generally be evocative of the program or subsystem that the file starts.

Checking for Customizations in Your Boot Sequence

The previous sections of this whitepaper discussed the boot mechanisms used on Linux system that use an initial RAM disk and those that booted using local storage that provides a root filesystem.

When migrating to the 2.6 kernel, a capsule summary of the changes that you may need to make (or should verify) are the following:
  • you must copy any mandatory loadable kernel modules (LKMs) to any initial RAM disk that you are using. To work with a 2.6 kernel, these must all use the new ".ko" naming convention (and must have been compiled against a 2.6 kernel).

  • the /linuxrc file in an initial RAM disk or any of the files in the generic boot sequence (/etc/inittab) should not contain any explicit module load references that include the old module conventions (i.e., the ".o" vs ".ko" naming conventions.
One of the advantages of a kernel-aware tool such as TimeSys' Target Configurator is that it automatically creates an initial RAM disk (if required) and therefore creates a 2.6-compliant root filesystem. If you are manually creating a root filesystem or initial RAM disk, you will need to verify that your root filesystem contains the appropriate initialization commands.

Generic 2.4 to 2.6 Differences

If you are migrating a TimeSys Linux system based on the 2.4 kernel to one based on the 2.6 kernel and have customized your system's boot sequence or the applications that it executes, you will have to make parallel modifications to your system's boot sequence. As discussed previously, if your 2.4 system explicitly loaded kernel modules for specific drivers or subsystems, you will have to make sure that you have installed 2.6-compatible versions of the utilities. Your initial RAM disk and filesystems must also contain kernel modules that have been built for the 2.6 kernel, and therefore follow the naming convention required by the 2.6 kernel - using the ".ko" extension rather than the classic ".o" extension.

If your 2.6 system uses the devfs filesystem rather than the standard Linux filesystem or udev, you may need to upgrade any device or filesystem references to the appropriate filenames for your target filesystem. For example, if you were using the standard dev filesystem for your 2.4 kernel and need to update your system to devfs for 2.6, you would need to change references to devices such as /dev/md0 to the appropriate devfs device names such as /dev/md/0.

Verifying Library Requirements

Another significant change between the 2.4 and 2.6 kernel is that many applications have been updated to link against updated GLIBC or uClibc libraries. If this is the case, you will also have to make sure that your initial RAM disk or, where appropriate, root filesystem contains the right versions of any shared libraries that your application requires. This is generally not an issue if you are building your initial RAM disk or root filesystem as part of the upgrade process, but is definitely an issue if you are adapting an existing initial RAM disk or root filesystem for use with the 2.6 Linux kernel.


The Linux boot process has not changed across the 2.4 and 2.6 kernels, but it is important to understand how your system is initialized when migrating an existing system to the 2.6 kernel. Though the boot process itself has not changed, kernel conventions for modules have changed, so it important to verify that existing boot commands still function correctly. It is also generally important to understand the files and applications that a Linux system executed when it boots in order to determine where you may need to make 2.6-related changes. Using a certified 2.6-based distribution such as one of TimeSys' 2.6 deference distributions is an easy solution to this issue, but migrating any custom Linux implementation is feasible as long as you understand the boot sequence and carefully examine the files executed during your system's boot process.

Миграция приложений с поддержкой NPTL

most application developers, the majority of the changes made to the Linux kernel between the 2.4 and 2.6 kernel families have little direct impact. Most kernel changes only manifest themselves through increased system performance and capacity. Kernel and system changes that affect how applications spawn and manage other processes and threads are a significant exception to this rule.

The 2.6 Linux kernel introduces a new, improved threading model that is implemented through the NPTL. The adoption of a new threading model has significant implications for developers, system run-time libraries such as the GNU C library (glibc), shared application libraries, and so on. This white paper provides an overview of basic threading concepts, discusses new and existing Linux threading models, and then highlights the sorts of application changes that you might have to make to existing multi-threaded applications in order to enable them to work correctly with NPTL under the 2.6 Linux kernel.

Threading 101

On multi-processing systems such as Linux, the concept of one process creating another is fundamental. The most obvious example is a shell such as the Bash shell, the standard Linux command interpreter. The shell executes applications in response to user commands, and can either start commands and wait for them to finish or execute them as separate, concurrent processes (commonly referred to as "running in the background").

One process typically creates another through a set of fork() and exec() function calls. The initial process calls the fork() function, creating a clone of itself (known as a child process) that inherits the entire execution environment of the process that created it. The fork() call returns the child's process identifier (PID) in the parent process, and a PID of 0 in the child process. The child process then uses the exec() call to execute some other command, which totally replaces its existing execution context with that of the exec()'d command. At the same time, the parent process typically either exits immediately or waits until the child process returns its status. A simple example of this is the following:
int pid;
if (pid=fork()) {
/* parent code */
} else {
/* child code */
execl( "command", "arg1", "arg2", ...);
printf("Should never get here...\n");
exit (-1);
This model for process creation is simple and easy to use, but requires substantial system overhead. Child processes inherit a separate copy of the complete state of their parent, including its address space, global variables, open file descriptors, and so on. This consumes a fair amount of system resources, makes it relatively complex for child processes to share resources or communicate with each other, and is extremely resource-intensive for use at the operating system level.

Threads are similar to processes, but with some notable exceptions that make them far more suitable for use in complex, modern systems. Threads are essentially sub-processes that share the majority of the resources of their parent process, and thus require a lesser amount of system resources. A traditional way of thinking about threads is by referring to them as lightweight processes. All of the threads created by a process share the same address space, global variables, open file descriptors, pending alarms, signals and signal handlers, and system accounting information. Each thread maintains its own program counter, registers, stack, and state information.

A key differentiator between different thread implementations is the interaction between kernel threads, user-space processes, and user-space threads. This will be discussed in more detail later in this white paper.

Linux Threading Models

The standard Linux threading library in all stable versions of Linux prior to 2.6 is known as LinuxThreads. This library has been supported for use with the GNU C library, glibc, since glibc 2.0, and is largely POSIX-compliant.

NOTE: The primary libraries produced when compiling the LinuxThreads and Native POSIX Thread Library source code are and libpthread.a (for POSIX thread library). For this reasons, the terms LinuxThreads and pthreads have historically been used interchangeably, which confusing in light of the adoption of the NPTL. This whitepaper uses the term LinuxThreads and NPTL to clearly differentiate between the two threading libraries and their capabilities. The actual library names were preserved to minimize changes to existing Makefiles and linking commands.

LinuxThreads has a variety of performance, scalability, and usability limitations. It uses a compile-time setting for the number of threads that a single process can create, and uses a per-process manager thread to create and coordinate between all threads owned by each process. This significantly increases the overhead of creating and destroying threads. Signal handling is done on a per-process, rather than a per-thread, basis, though each thread has a separate process ID. Issues such as these, in combination with design issues such as an asymmetric relationship between kernel and user-space threads, and the lack of per-thread synchronization primitives for inter-thread communication and resource sharing, places some fundamental limitations on the number of threads that can simultaneously be created and do meaningful work in a LinuxThreads implementation.

The next threading model introduced for Linux was IBM's Next Generation POSIX Threads (NGPT) project. This was an external threading library that worked in conjunction with the LinuxThreads package, but provided additional POSIX compliance and better performance than the standard LinuxThreads package. This threading package is still available for use with 2.4 and earlier Linux kernels, but is no longer actively being worked on due to the new threading model introduced with the 2.5 and kernel series and made publicly available in the 2.6 kernel tree.

The Native POSIX Threading Library replaces LinuxThreads and NGPT in the 2.5 and later kernels. NPTL brings high-performance threading support to Linux, and provides the foundation required by multi-threaded enterprise applications such as database systems, high-capacity and high-load web and mail servers, and so on. NPTL was developed as part of the 2.5 kernel development process and was integrated with Linux run-time elements such as glibc at that time. NPTL is the strategic direction for Linux threading in the future.

Some Linux vendors, such as later versions of Red Hat Linux, have backported NPTL to earlier kernels and have even made the threading environment for specific processes selectable through an environment variable (LD_ASSUME_KERNEL). On systems that support this feature, the variable is set via a command such as the following:
# export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.1
This is a clever way to enable some existing applications that rely on LinuxThreads to continue to work in an NPTL environment, but is a short-term solution. To make the most of the design and performance benefits provided by NPTL, you should update the code for any existing applications that use threading.

The next sections discuss the implications of the changes between the LinuxThreads and NPTL threading implementations as far as your applications are concerned. The first section discusses development changes related to the updated toolchains used with the 2.6 kernel highlights. A subsequent section highlights aspects of your applications that you must change due to differences between the LinuxThreads and NPTL implementations, in order to make the most of the increased power and performance of NPTL.

Recompiling Applications for 2.6 and NPTL

Though many applications will migrate from Linux 2.4 to 2.6 without recompilation, the addition of Native POSIX Thread Library technology will require minor modifications in most threaded applications. A subsequent section of this whitepaper, "Updating Applications for NPTL", discusses the primary situations where recompilation may be required.

Those applications that do require recompilation may be affected by the updated compilers included with distributions such as TimeSys Linux that are based around a 2.6-based kernel. TimeSys ships its 2.6 Reference Distributions with version 3.3.2 of the C and C++ compilers from the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC), and uses an updated version of the binutils package that makes up the remainder of a standard Linux toolchain (providing the assembler, linker, library archiver, and so).

Simply using a 2.6 based kernel does not mean that you are automatically using the NPTL. To determine the threading library that a system uses, you can execute the getconf command (part of the glibc package), to examine the GNU_LIBPTHREAD_VERSION environment variable, as in the following command example:
If your system uses the NPTL, the command would return the value of NPTL that your system was using, as in the following example:
If you are building your own toolchain to work with a 2.6 system you must, of course, make sure that you've built the toolchain on a 2.6 system, and that you have enabled NPTL support in the version of the C library used by your toolchain. You will also need recent source codeyou're your C library. For example, if you are building glibc with NPTL support, version 2.3.3 or better of the glibc source is recommended. Enabling NPTL support when building a C library, such as glibc, is analogous to the mechanism used for enabling LinuxThreads support for glibc. This is done by using the configuration option --enable-add-ons=nptl when configuring glibc, rather than --enable-add-ons=linuxthreads. The latest NPTL source code is available here. You will also need a recent version of GCC (3.3.2 or better suggested for x86 platforms, 3.4 suggested for PPC platforms), and a version of binutils that supports the Call Frame Information (CFI) directive ( or better suggested; available here).

In general, if your applications were compiled with earlier versions of GCC, you may notice changes in warning messages, code size, and changes to the options provided by the GCC compiler and the rest of the toolchain. It is especially important to be aware of the potential for increased code size when you are recompiling embedded applications. You may need to take advantage of additional or new optimization options in order to continue to fit your existing applications in resource-constrained environments. Newer versions of GCC are also increasingly conformant to various C and C++ specifications, and are therefore likely to complain about aspects of your application code that earlier versions of these compilers ignored. In general, new warnings from updated compilers should be seen as an opportunity to weed out latent defects.

Newer versions of GCC have also deprecated some machine-specific options (specified using -m) in favor of more general optimization options (specified using -f). This may require that you update values such as the CFLAGS options specified in application Makefiles.

Finally, newer versions of GCC implement optimizations that require them to notice possible alias situations that may have been ignored by earlier compilers. The aliasing issues can be resolved (at some performance cost) by using the no strict aliasing compiler option (-fno-strict-aliasing).

Updating Applications for NPTL

The changes between 2.4's threading support and NPTL provide significant design and performance improvements. NPTL is far more compliant with the POSIX specification than the LinuxThreads package was under 2.4. NPTL also supports useful features such as mutexes that are shared among threads, simplifying resource sharing, conflict prevention, and increasing parallelism. Finally, NPTL is vastly more efficient than 2.4's threading support. Some of the standard performance metrics used at TimeSys have shown NPTL implementations to be up to three orders of magnitude faster than the same code using LinuxThreads.

Some of the more complex changes that you may have to make in your application logic when moving to NPTL are changes related to NPTL's improved support for POSIX signals and signal handling. LinuxThreads implemented generic Unix-style threads, but were limited by various implementation details. NPTL is a POSIX-compliant threading implementation, and therefore handles signals better both between processes and between all threads within those processes. With the NPTL, signals can now be sent from one thread to another, rather than simply on a per-process basis. Signals can also use arguments to transfer information from one thread to another.

Using the NPTL also requires that you make changes to existing code that needs to be able to uniquely identify specific threads. Under LinuxThreads, each thread had a unique process ID (PID). Each thread now shares the PID of its parent process, and the getpid() function therefore returns the same process ID for all threads in a process. With NPTL, a thread's Thread ID must be used to uniquely identify individual threads.

Changes to thread and process IDs also mean that the processes that are traditionally used to spawn processes must now be thread-aware. For example, the exec() functions are now thread-aware, so that a thread inherits the PID of its caller. However, any application that depended on having all threads survive an exec() will need some modification. The parent of a multi-threaded process is notified of a child's termination only when the entire process terminates. Thread-related changes have also been made to the behavior of related fork() calls. For example, functions registered with the pthread_at_fork() function are no longer run when a vfork() occurs.

In addition to changing the internals of thread identification, NPTL does away with the LinuxThreads notion of a manager thread, simplifying the process/thread relationship and eliminating what was essentially administrative overhead under LinuxThreads. This may require application changes if, for example, your application kept track of the number of threads running on its behalf or looked for the manager thread as a signal target.

Finally, using a new threading library means that certain threading functions that were available under LinuxThreads are no longer supported under the NPTL. For example, the pthread_kill_other_threads_np() function is no longer available. This function was used to simulate POSIX-conformant exec() functions. Since the exec() functions themselves are now POSIX conformant, the helper function is not necessary.

For additional information about the design and implementation of the NPTL, a general design and philosophy document is available here.


Changing the kernel that your computer system runs is not necessarily an easy task, but is eminently doable. The white papers in this series have highlighted the issue in configuring the 2.6 kernel, updating device drivers, migrating desktop and custom systems, and updating applications. Certified 2.6-based distributions targeted for embedded use are already available from vendors such as TimeSys, whose 2.6 reference distribution was the first 2.6-based distribution for PPC systems. High-quality commercial software such as TimeSys TimeStorm IDE and TimeStorm Linux Developers Suite (LDS) is designed to help you migrate any Linux kernel, device driver, application, or deployed system to take advantage of the power of the 2.6 kernel and updated packages, threading methodology, and so on.

Linux is a shining example of the power of the Open Source movement as a positive force for change in the software industry. The Linux kernel, the core of any Linux distribution, is constantly evolving to incorporate new technologies and improve performance, scalability, support, and usability. The 2.6 kernel increases the spectrum of systems for which Linux is well-suited, from PDAs, process control systems, and set-top boxes all the way to enterprise servers. The cost, power, and supportability advantages by Linux are more obvious than ever in today's business market and fast-paced technical environment.
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